Certified Reference Material | Starna Scientific | Supplier | India
We supply CRM Samples for Spectrometer by Starna Scientific who are known for innovation, quality & support. We also supply USB Drive with each set contains the calibration certificate and all necessary user information. Hard copy can also be supplied as per request from our clients.

Why would you actually need Certified Reference Material for Spectroscopy?
Certified Reference Material are very useful to keep a check on instrument performance & also to ensure operation of the instrument is within acceptable parameters.
When used regularly for checking instrument’s performance a database can be made that has recorded values of operating characteristics of the specific instrument. This database then becomes valuable and can be used for the following purpose:
- Demonstration of satisfactory instrument performance to any inspection or regulatory agency.
- Detection of instrument malfunction.
- Provide data to a service technician allowing detection of instrument faults and assistance in repair.
- Construction of Process Control Charts
Hence these Certified Reference Materials are like benchmarks with acceptable parameters for the functioning of your instrument.
Why use Certified Reference Material from Starna?
Apart from Starna’s known experience of over 50 years and their reputation for innovation, quality & support here are few reasons to choose Starna for Certified Reference Materials:
- The sealed reference cells have the same optical characteristics as cells used in normal analysis thus removing many variables, which might be introduced using any other form of optical configuration or reference preparation.
- The references have a lifetime guarantee subject to specified conditions and are supplied in suitable storage containers.
- The glass filters are made to the highest industry standards with raw material of known characteristics.
- UKAS ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited – This level of accreditation assures that the certification of reference materials are of the highest standard and may be used to validate instrument performance in all ISO/IEC 17025 regulated environments.